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Trips and Events 2024-2025

We are really looking forward to our trips and events coming up this year! 

Term 1 - Book Fayre

Term 1 - Bristol City Women's Team Visit

Term 2 - Pantomime Performance

Term 2 - Anti-Bullying Week/Odd Socks Day

Term 2 - 35th Anniversary of the CRC (Rights for the Child)

Term 2 - Christmas Concert/Christmas Parties/Christmas Lunch

Term 3 - Children's Mental Health Week

Term 4 - Local walk around Brislington (Geography)

Term 4 - World Book Day (sharing books with Year 4)

Term 5 - Clifton Downs (t.b.c.)

Term 6 - Noah's Ark Zoo Farm

Term 6 - Drama Workshop (t.b.c)

Term 6 - Sports Week