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English Intent Statement

Why do we teach this? Why do we teach it in the way we do?

English is an integral part of education and society. A high-quality education in English teaches children the art of speaking and listening, how to write and communicate ideas coherently for different purposes and how to read fluently with good understanding. We believe that the ability to read and to write is fundamental to our children succeeding; enabling them to access the next stage of their education and beyond. Our curriculum has been designed to ensure that pupils enjoy writing and reading and have passion and enthusiasm for it.

We believe that being immersed in good quality literature develops pupil’s acquisition of a wide vocabulary, therefore expanding and developing vocabulary and allows children to explore and appreciate our rich and varied literary heritage and develop their cultural capital. Our curriculum has been planned to ensure that pupils have opportunities to develop a love of reading. Our aim is to ensure that pupils gain a thirst for reading a range of genres, have the opportunity to explore the language and styles used by different authors and the impact that these texts have on the reader.

Our aim is to ensure that pupils write clearly, accurately and coherently; write in different styles and for different purposes and audiences; develop a wide vocabulary and a solid understanding of the grammar rules and terminology appropriate for their age group. Our curriculum has also been designed to ensure that pupils are able to express themselves creatively using the texts and books that we explore to inspire them