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About Us

At Holymead Primary School we want our pupils to achieve high quality outcomes through a broad, balanced, inspiring, creative, fun and exciting curriculum.

Our focus is on:

  • Keeping children safe
  • Good quality teaching focusing on skills and knowledge
  • A well presented, coherent, varied and interesting curriculum
  • High quality outcomes

We have identified, using a range of data, three key factors that underpin and shape our School Curriculum:

  • Promoting Pupils' Personal Responsibility
  • Developing Pupils' Life Skills
  • Increasing Pupils' Cultural Capital


Early Years and Infants (Key Stage 1): 8.40am - 3.10pm. The infant site opens its doors at 8.35am to enable children to come into school ready for registration at 8.40am promptly. Infant children must not be left unattended

Juniors (Key Stage 2) 8.50am- 3.20pm. The gates and doors to the junior site are open at 8.40am and members of staff will be in the junior playground.


Children in Years 1 and 2 follow the National Curriculum for Key Stage 1. Children in Years 3 to 6 follow the National Curriculum for Key Stage 2. The school schemes of work are developed from the Foundation Stage and National Curriculum. The content of these curriculums is available on the website in our Curriculum Overview.