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Welcome To Reception

The members of staff who work in Reception are: 

  • Red Panda Class - Miss Robbins; LSA Mrs Taylor,  Mrs Martin and Mrs Mahmoud
  • Robin Class - Mrs Sheehan and Mrs Lawrence; LSA Miss Tokley,  Ms Francis and Mrs Mahmood
  • Rabbit Class - Miss Carreras; LSA - Miss West and Mrs Ballinger

Home Learning

We will post some home learning activities on Tapestry each term for you to use if you wish. 

Your child will also receive a box of Numicon. We will send activity ideas for your child to do with their Numicon to support them with their learning in Maths. 

Please find the Parent User Guide for Tapestry below. This has been designed to make the use of Tapestry straight forward at home. If you are still having difficulties, please get in contact with your child's class teacher.

There are some useful documents to support you with more ideas for home learning activities below. 


PE takes place on a Friday. Children need to come to school dressed in their PE kits on their PE days. As it gets colder, they should come to school wearing leggings or tracksuit bottoms. 

Reading afternoon We would like to invite parents into your child’s classroom from 2:50pm till 3:10am to share your child’s reading book with them. We will alternate the day each term:

  • Term 2 – Monday
  • Term 3 – Tuesday
  • Term 4 – Thursday
  • Term 5 – Friday

We look forward to seeing you.

Reading Helpers Parent/Carer helpers are always welcome in school. If you would like to volunteer to read with children, please speak to your child's teacher. Please be aware that you will be placed in a different class to your child's. We are always very thankful for your help and support.