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Our school uniform is available for purchase online, from Price and Buckland.

The link to their website is: 

The school has a uniform, which gives children a sense of corporate identity and we encourage the children to wear it.

The uniform is a purple sweatshirt or cardigan with the school logo and name embroidered on it. This is worn with grey or black trousers or skirts and a white or deep purple polo shirt. In the summer checked dresses in purple or blue may be worn. Jeans and dungarees are not considered suitable for school wear.

Sensible black school shoes or black trainers should be worn. Boots and high heeled shoes are not suitable for school. In summer, sandals that hold feet firmly may be worn. They can be black, white or purple.


All clothes should be named. Items of clothing inevitably go missing from time to time, but if they are named they can be returned to their owner.

PE Uniform

Children need to wear purple or white tee-shirts and black shorts in PE. PE kits with the school logo are on sale on line. Daps/plimsolls are needed for outdoor PE. During cold weather, plain black leggings or jogging bottoms can be worn.

Earrings, other than studs for pierced ears, should not be worn. For safety, no other jewellery should be worn. Hooped earrings can be dangerous in school. Make-up should not be worn and hairstyles should be sensible and appropriate for school e.g. not unnatural colours or shocking styles. Accessories should be unobtrusive and functional rather than decorative and distracting. They need to be in the school colours of purple, black or white.