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School Lunches

At Holymead Primary School, our meals are cooked on site by Chartwells. Our lunch break is between 12.00 and 1.15 p.m. Children may have a school meal or bring a packed lunch. All children are encouraged to eat healthy foods as part of their meal.

Costs: All children on the infant site are entitled to a school meal due to funding from the Department for Education for Universal Infant Free School Meals. Please note that this is different from eligibility for free school meals and pupil premium (details below). All other school lunches are priced at £2.70 for children.

How to Pay: You can pay for school dinners online via our ParentMail system:

Pupil Premium & School Meals: To find out if your child may be eligible for Pupil Premium, please contact the school office or Bristol City Council. The pupil premium gives additional funding to support your child with their learning,  

To qualify for pupil premium and/or free school meals, you must receive one of the following:

  • Income Support.
  • Job Seekers Allowance (Income Based).
  • Child Tax Credit, but are not entitled to Working Tax Credit and your annual income (as assessed by the Inland Revenue) does not exceed £16,190.
  • Support under part VI of the Immigration & Asylum Act 1999.
  • The 'Guaranteed Element' of Pension Credit.
  • Income Related Employment And Support Allowance benefit (any element of contribution based paid free school meals are not available).


For further information or to apply for free school meals, please use the link below.