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Welcome To Year 3

Welcome to Year 3! 

  • Tawny Owl Class - Miss Nashnush
  • Turtle Class - Miss Robb
  • Tree Frog Class - Mrs Bell (Monday-Wednesday), Mrs Stark (Wednesday-Friday)

Year 3 Homework

Homework is set on a Wednesday and due in on a Tuesday.

Maths homework is completed in times tables books and English homework is set on Google Classroom. 

Spelling tests take place on a Tuesday. These spellings can be found on Google Classroom.

Link to Google Classroom: 

PE Days

Year 3 PE days are Tuesday and Wednesday.

Please make sure your PE kit includes: a plain top (plain white, purple or black), shorts (warmer weather) or joggers (colder weather) and a change of suitable footwear (daps or trainers). If a jumper is worn, it must be a school jumper (no hoodies please).

In terms 3 and 4, Year 3 go swimming on a Thursday morning. During these 2 terms, PE will take place on a Wednesday and swimming on a Thursday (no PE on a Tuesday).

Times Table Rockstars

You can find your login details in your reading record. You should continue to play this at home on a regular basis. Times Table Rockstars link:


Our aim is for children to read at home at least three times per week. Any reading should be recorded in your Reading Record. A list of recommended books for Year 3 is attached below in a document.